Sunday, January 3, 2010

a wonderful mother..

mom- what a wonderful woman you are. your strength and talent are inspiration to me. you've pulled me to my feet so many times. just about too many to count. you have taught me so many things to know in life. you have made me wise and given me so much strength. you have always given me support in whatever i do; whether it's to cheer me on or to lead me in a better direction. wherever it is that i need you, you are there in the blink of an eye. i've never met someone like you that is so willing to open up there home and heart and care for relationships that aren't your own. i love that. and i can't thank you enough for trying to save me from things you had to learn from. that means so much to me. we have all gone through so much together, mom.. and my god, it has made us so much stronger. we can go through anything-our beautiful family. and it's all thanks to you. to be a single mom with five kids in our packed, little house sure is a lot of work. i really do appreciate it, though. and i really do admire that about you. it's not just the fact that you are our parent. it's that you really are our parent. you're there when we need a friend and your there to be structure and guidance. you amaze me. even when so many people do you wrong, mom, you do so much right. thank you for never giving up. for never selling out, and teaching me to always take the opportunity when i am given it. thank you for always standing by me. thank you for showing me so much. for making me who i am today. i couldn't have done it without you. i'm proud of you. i love you..